A place with fascinating stories to tell; Hampi beckons every tourist to visit and drown in the mysterious beauty of its rugged landscape, monolithic structures, intricately carved monuments, and the fascinating arrangement of its huge boulders. The history of Hampi gradually mingles with folklore and then subtly blends with mythology. Though known for its ruins and temples, the natural beauty is abundant in this small countryside area. There are a lot of attractions that one can visit while on a holiday in Hampi. The season turns good for a trip post-monsoon. The weather’s warm and pleasant, with a gentle breeze and with occasional drizzle from the northeast monsoon winds. It’s an ideal time to explore with a camera handy, for the ruins, with the backdrop of a beautiful warm misty sky, pose as a great picture. Hampi and its vicinity offer ideal opportunities for trekking that includes a lot of rock climbing, too, since the area is filled with a sandwich of rocks. One of the really fun ways to explore the city is doing it by peddling your way through these ancient rocks on your bicycle. The city features one of the prettiest architectural domains ranging from some very famous temples like Virupaksha temple, Underground Temple, Hajari Rama Temple, and Vitthal Temple. As you witness these remains of the old dynasty you will see the glamour and glory behind these grand structures. Hampi among others is famous for its Coracle boat rides. Enjoy riding in fascinating walnut-shaped boats, aka Coracle. Hampi is blessed with ample avenues where the dream of Coracle riding can come true any day. If you're interested in cycling through ancient ruins, while also jumping in and eating some great food, Hampi is the place to be!